Lighting Design
Having excellent lighting is imperative when reinventing a living space. Without ample illumination, the objects placed within a space won’t shine as intended. Proper lighting design can be achieved with quality fixtures meticulously placed to support the overall composition of a room. With so many options of types and styles of fixtures available, it can be difficult to narrow down items will fit in your space.
There are a few tips to consider when selecting suitable options for lighting fixtures.
Knowing your budget can be the perfect place to begin your journey to a well-lit environment. What is your desired price range? Are you flexible if you find the perfect fit? These questions are important to answer prior to browsing online. To save yourself the heartache of not having the budget for your most desired item, setting price filters while browsing online is a must.
What size room are you planning to place the fixture? Will it be a single item, or are you looking to place multiple lights within your space? Sifting through the technical specs of fixtures can become overwhelming. A great way to understand what level of brightness you will need is by first researching how many lumens you will need to light your space. For example, a 100 sq ft living room typically requires between 1000 and 2000 lumens, while a home office of the same size can require up to 8000. A simple search of lumens required per size and type of space can alleviate the headache!
Last, but equally important, what style are you looking for? Are you in search of a particular color of finish or overall look? If you are unsure, scrolling through social media can be a wonderful asset for inspiration.
Knowing these things before you shop will certainly aid you in the process of selecting the perfect lighting fixture!